Be Welds Conruct-A-Gun Display, Product Details: Eye-tching display, Multiple MIG gun choices in one compact display, Display pegboard not included, Includes: 250153545 BW Conruct-a-Gun Platform, 250A 15 ft ble (2 ), 400153545 BW Conruct-a-Gun Platform, 400A 15 ft ble (2 ), T135-10-3035 Mig Gun Assy Tweco yle Plug (1 ), 135M103035M BW Mig Gun, 135A Miller Conn w/ Miller Consumables (1 ), MCK-BR2 BW Bernard 250AMP Consumable (2 ), MCK-BR4 BW Bernard 400 Amp Consumable (2 ), MCK-MR2 Miller 250A Consumable (2 ), MCK-TR2 BW Tregaskiss 250 Amp Consumable (2 ), MCK-TR4 BW Tregaskiss 400 Amp Consumable (2 ), MCK-TW2 BW Tweco 250 Amp Consumable (2 ), MCK-TW4 BW Tweco 400 Amp Consumable (2 ), 25LAC BW 400 Amp Tweco yle Gooseneck (2 ), 25LC Lincoln Connector (2 ), 25MC Miller Connector (2 ), 25TC #4 Connector (2 ), 13MAC Trigger Connector, Miller w/ 4 Pin Adapter (1 ), Display Hooks, Display Materials | Brand: BE WELDS | Country of Origin: US | Hazmat: NO | Type: Display Kit (Board Not Included)