Irwin rait-Line® Levels, Product Details: Dual chamber design incrses level durability, ensuring accuracy over time, and resis twiing 2X more than traditional I-Bms, Plumb Site® offers dual-sided, undiorted viewing in the plumb position and sy, more accurate plumb rdings, MagnaVials, TM, and wide top rd window for sy and accurate rdings | Accuracy: 0.058° | Base Type: Magnetic | Body Material: Aluminum | Brand: IRWIN RAIT-LINE | Country of Origin: US | Hazmat: NO | Height [Nom]: 25 in | Length [Nom]: 24 in | Magnifition: 5x | No. of Vials: 1 | Special Order: YES | ructure: I-Bm | Vial Material: Acrylic | Vial Positions: Center | Width [Nom]: 2 3/8 in | Wt.: 1.23 lb